Hospital Planning

Experience from Switzerland (Canton of Zurich)

Project description

Switzerland has a highly decentralized healthcare system. The responsibilities at the national and cantonal levels are strictly determined by the Federal Health Insurance Law (Krankenversicherungsgesetz KVG). This law guarantees the provision of health care to the Swiss population. The law requires the 26 Swiss cantons to plan and to coordinate hospital care in their respective cantons. The cantonal health departments are required to develop, to implement, and to coordinate hospital planning according to the planning criteria of the Federal Council. In 2012, the service-based hospital planning approach was introduced by the cantonal health department of the Canton of Zurich. This approach was successful and all other cantons in Switzerland adopted and adjusted it with by according to their cantonal specifications. The purpose of this project is to introduce the hospital capacity planning model of the Canton of Zurich into the actual version of 2021.

The project further examines the possibilities for extensions of the model's evaluation criteria.

Project team

Elena Bleibtreu, Christine von AhlenProf. Dr. Alexander Geissler

Cooperation partner


Funding source



2021 - 2022
