COPdha - Uncovering the need for daily support of COPD patients for developing a digital health assistant

Survey of the support needs of patients with COPD for the development of a Digital Health Assistant

Project description

This project focuses on the long-term care of patients with chronic diseases. The goal is to identify care deficits and reduce them with the help of a targeted health assistant. It is important that special attention is paid to the patient perspective. At the beginning of the project there is a needs analysis, which is carried out by means of a survey tailored to COPD patients. In addition to general content (such as gender, age, smoking habits, etc.), the survey will address aspects of general quality of life, personal management of COPD and health literacy. After the evaluation of the survey, the results should be incorporated into the development of a (digital) health assistant.

The (digital) health assistant should support the COPD patient in everyday situations and assist with information in case of challenges. In addition, the project team aims to provide various behavior change interventions. The acceptance and actual implementation of the interventions will be measured and quantified. In addition, the participating COPD patients will be compared with their peer groups and, if necessary, appropriate measures will be initiated to improve the current situation.

Project team

Anja BischofJustus VogelProf. Dr. Alexander Geissler, Daria Bukanova-Berend

Cooperation partner

Prof. Dr. Tobias Kowatsch, Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Brutsche, PD Dr. Frank Rassouli, Lungenliga St. Gallen 

Funding source

Lungenliga St. Gallen-Appenzell
More informations project partnership (in German)


2022 - 2024

