SanktGallen Health Forum

Meeting place and platform for interested parties and experts in the healthcare sector

Anticipate and leverage change

Switzerland spends about 12% of its GDP on healthcare and more than 300,000 people are directly employed in it. This impressively shows that the healthcare sector is one of the most important branches of the Swiss economy. At the same time, this sector is subject to constant change. Technological, institutional and procedural innovations are continuous companions of the actors in the healthcare sector. Anticipating and accompanying these changes is both an opportunity and a challenge. The SanktGaller Gesundheitsforum accompanies this process with selected topics from different domains and thus stimulates a common exchange.  
Current questions, trends and scenarios of the health care system and their effects are explored with actors from science, care and politics with the participation of students and the interested population.

Target Group

Today, stakeholders in the healthcare sector are called upon to make decisions in a complex environment. The SanktGall Health Forum is aimed at everyone who is concerned with health-related issues and wants to exchange views on them. Speakers include experts from the fields of science, healthcare, business and politics.


The School of Medicine is a teaching and research institution of the University of St.Gallen. In teaching, the focus since fall 2020 is on the Joint Medical Master, which is offered jointly with the University of Zurich.

The focus of the scientific work of the Chair of Health Economics, Policy and Management is on the analysis and development of instruments for measuring and managing the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare.

HSG Report on the SanktGallen Health Forum

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Autumn Semester 2024

Date Topic and Speakers
18.09.2024 Herausforderungen bei der Führung eines Universitätsspitals
Prof. Dr. med. Gregor Zünd – ehemaliger CEO Universitätsspital Zürich
02.10.2024 Corona revisited – was das ZLM in der Pandemie gelernt hat
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Korte – Vorsitzender der Geschäftsleitung, Chefarzt, Bereichsleiter Direktion - Zentrum für Labormedizin
16.10.2024 SwissPAH: Potentially avoidable hospitalisations in chronic disease – Past and future trends in Switzerland (English)
Daria Bukanova - Doktorandin / Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Health Economics, Policy and Management der Universität St.Gallen
13.11.2024 Gemeinsame Spitalplanung Akutsomatik ARAISG: Inhalt, Chancen und Herausforderungen
Roland Unternährer Appenzeller - Leiter Spitalplanung (Akutsomatik/ Psychiatrie) & Projekte Kanton St.Gallen 
27.11.2024 Zukunftsperspektiven der Telemedizin: Eine Diskussion über die potenziellen Entwicklungen und
Trends, die die Zukunft der Telemedizin prägen werden

PD Dr. Oliver Reich - Leiter santé24, Mitglied der Direktion SWICA Gesundheitsorganisation
11.12.2024 Kollaborative Innovation im Gesundheitswesen: Die transformative Kraft von Emotionsmanagement
für eine verbesserte Patient:innenversorgung

Dr. Zoe Jonassen - Assistant Professorin Universität St.Gallen
Procedure / Time Start 18:15., conclusion approx. 19:45
The topic of the evening will be introduced with a lecture and then discussed in depth in the plenary session.
Location SQUAREUniversity of St.Gallen, Guisanstrasse 20, 9010 St.Gallen
Room Arena (11-2091)
Costs / Registration Participation is free of charge.
Registration is required via HSG-Events/Open Program.

Program Public Lectures HSG

Spring Semester 2024

Date  Topic and Speakers
21.02.2024 The franchise system in Switzerland: Does it work? Overview and results from a large-scale empirical analysis of health insurance data
Irene Salvi & Johannes Cordier, wiss. Mitarbeitende, Lehrstuhl Management im Gesundheitswesen, Universität St.Gallen
06.03.2024 New Work in der Medizin
Dr. med. Stefanie Voigtsberger, FMH Anästhesiologie, FMH Intensivmedizin, eMBA HSG, AndreasKlinik Cham Zug 
20.03.2024 Digitale Lösungen für den Umgang mit ADHS / ADS
Annina Huber, Projektleiterin Standortförderung, St. Gallen Health und Diego Gladig, Gründer Gossik
17.04.2024 Darstellen von Tod und Sterben in der Literatur
Prof. Dr. Anna Elsner, Assozierte Professorin für französische Kulturwissenschaften und Medical Humanities, Universität St.Gallen 
08.05.2024 Nutzerzentrierter Spitalbau
Meriel Meiling, Beraterin im Gesundheitswesen, walkerproject
15.05.2024 Hohe Fallzahlen im Notfallwesen
Dr. med. Sereina Heim, Leitende Ärztin, Klinik für Änästhesiologie, Ärztliche Leiterin Rettungsdienst, Kantonsspital Winterthur 

