Extract of publications Prof. Dr. Alexander Geissler & Team, Chair of Health Economics, Policy and Management:
Peer-reviewed articles |
2024 |
Sapin, Maxime; Ehlig, David; Geissler, Alexander & Vogel, Justus (2024) Public reporting in five health care areas: A comparative content analysis across nine countries. Health Policy |
Salvi, Irene; Ehlig, David; Vogel, Justus; Bischof, Anja & Geissler, Alexander (2024) How to interpret patient-reported outcomes? - Stratified adjusted minimal important changes for the EQ-5D-3L in hip and knee replacement patients. J Patient Rep Outcomes |
Schöner, Lukas; Kuklinski, David; Wittich, Laura; Steinbeck, Viktoria; Langenberger, Benedikt; Breitkreuz, Thorben; Compes, Felix; Kretzler, Mathias; Marschall, Ursula; Klauser, Wolfgang; Citak, Mustafa, Matziolis, Georg; Schrednitzki, Daniel; Grasböck, Kim; Vogel, Justus; Pross, Christoph; Busse, Rheinhard & Geissler, Alexander (2024) Cost-effectiveness of a patient-reported outcome-based remote monitoring and alert intervention for early detection of critical recovery after joint replacement: A randomised controlled trial. PLoS Med |
von Ahlen, Christine; Geissler, Alexander & Vogel, Justus (2024) Comparison of the effectiveness of open, laparoscopic, and robotic-assisted radical prostatectomies based on complication rates: a retrospective observational study with administrative data from Switzerland. BMC Urology |
Vogel, Justus; Haering, Alexander; Kuklinski, David & Geissler, Alexander (2024) Assessing the Relationship between Hospital Process Digitalization and Hospital Quality – Evidence from Germany. Journal of Medical Systems |
Geissler, Alexander; Hollenbach, Johannes; Haring, Malte; Amelung, Volker Eric; Thun, Sylvia & Haering Alexander (2024) A nationwide digital maturity assessment of hospitals – Results from the German DigitalRadar. Health Policy and Technology |
Wittich, Laura; Tsatsaronis, Chrissa; Kuklinski, David; Schöner, Lukas; Steinbeck, Viktoria; Busse, Reinhard & Rombey, Tanja (2024) Patient-Reported Outcome Measures as an Intervention: A Comprehensive Overview of Systematic Reviews on the Effects of Feedback. Value in Health |
Morant, Rudolf; Gräwingholt, Axel; Subelack, Jonas; Kuklinsi David; Vogel, Justus; Blum, Marcel; Eichenberber, Alena & Geissler, Alexander (2024) Der mögliche Nutzen künstlicher Intelligenz in einem organisierten bevölkerungsbezogenen Screeningprogramm. Radiologie |
Kuklinski, David; Blum, Marcel; Subelack, Jonas; Geissler, Alexander; Eichenberger, Alena & Morant, Rudolf (2024) Breast cancer patients enrolled in the Swiss mammography screening program “donna” demonstrate prolonged survival. Breast Cancer Res |
Steinbeck, Viktoria; Bischof, Anja Y.; Schöner, Lukas; Kuklinski, David & Geissler, Alexander (2024) Gender health gap pre- and post-joint arthroplasty: identifying affected patient-reported health domains. Int J Equity Health |
Bischof, Anja; Cordier, Johannes; Vogel, Justus & Geissler, Alexander (2024) Medication adherence halves COPD patients’ hospitalization risk – evidence from Swiss health insurance data npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine |
Vogel, Justus; Hollenbach, Johannes; Haering, Alexander; Augurzky, Boris & Geissler, Alexander (2024) The association of hospital profitability and digital maturity – An explorative study using data from the German DigitalRadar project Health Policy |
2023 |
Steinbeck, Viktoria; Langenberger, Benedikt; Schöner, Lukas; Wittich, Laura; Klauser, Wolfgang; Mayer, Martin; Kuklinski, David; Vogel, Justus; Geissler, Alexander; Pross, Christoph & Busse, Reinhard (2023) Electronic Patient-Reported Outcome Monitoring to Improve Quality of Life After Joint Replacement - Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA Network Open |
Langenberger, Benedikt; Steinbeck, Viktoria; Schöner, Lukas; Busse, Reinhard; Pross, Christoph & Kuklinski, David (2023) Exploring treatment effect heterogeneity of a PROMs alert intervention in knee and hip arthroplasty patients: A causal forest application Computers in Biology and Medicine |
Berger, Elke; Reichebner, Christoph; Eriksen, Astrid; Hildebrandt, Meik; Kuklinski, David & Busse, Reinhard (2023) Spezialisierte Behandlung ovn Darmkrebs in zertifizierten Krebszentren: Müssen Patient*innen wirklich weitere Wege auf sich nehmen? Gesundheitswesen |
Bischof, Anja Y. & Geissler, Alexander (2023) Making the cut on caesarean section: a logistic regression analysis on factors favouring caesarean sections without medical indication in comparison to spontaneous vaginal birth (unisg.ch) BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth |
Kuklinski, David; Vogel, Justus; Henschke, Cornelia; Pross Christoph & Geissler, Alexander (2023) Robotic-assisted surgery for prostatectomy - does the diffusion of robotic systems contribute to treatment centralization and influence patients' hospital choice? Health Economics Review |
Schöner, Lukas; Kuklinski, David; Geissler, Alexander; Busse, Reinhard & Pross, Christoph (2023) A composite measure for patient‑reported outcomes in orthopedic care: design principles and validity checks. Quality of Life Research |
2022 |
Moser, Dominik (2022) Quality aspects relating to giving birth in Switzerland: An analysis of quality indicators in inpatient obstetrics from 2013 to 2017. Front. Public Health |
Bleibtreu, Elena; von Ahlen, Christine & Geissler, Alexander (2022) Service-, needs-, and quality-based hospital capacity planning – The evolution of a revolution in Switzerland. Health Policy |
Enodien, Bassey; Moser, Dominik; Kessler,Florian: Taha-Mehlitz, Stephanie: Frey, Daniel M. & Taha Anas (2022) Cost and Quality Comparison of Hernia Surgery in Stationary, Day-Patient and Outpatient Care. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health |
Quentin, Wilm; Stephani, Victor; Berenson, Robert A.; Bilde, Lone; Grasic, Katja; Sikkut, Riina; Touré, Mariama & Geissler, Alexander (2022) How Denmark, England, Estonia, France, Germany, and the USA Pay for Variable, Specialized and Low Volume Care: A Cross-country Comparison of In-patient Payment Systems International Journal of Health Policy and Management |
Vogel, Justus F. A.; Barkhausen, Max; Pross, Christoph M. & Geissler, Alexander (2022) Defining minimum volume thresholds to increase quality of care: a new patient-oriented approach using mixed integer programming. The European Journal of Health Economics |
Kuklinski, David; Marques, Carlos J.; Bohlen, Karina; Westphal, Karl C.; Lampe, Frank & Geissler, Alexander (2022) Thresholds for meaningful improvement in WOMAC scores need to be adjusted to patient characteristics after hip and knee replacement. Journal of Orthopaedics |
Strumann, Christoph; Geissler, Alexander; Busse, Reinhard & Pross, Christoph (2022) Can competition improve hospital quality of care? A difference-in-differences approach to evaluate the effect of increasing quality transparency on hospital quality. The European Journal of Health Economics |
2021 |
Kuklinski, D., Vogel, J. & Geissler, A. (2021) The impact of quality on hospital choice. Which information affects patients’ behavior for colorectal resection or knee replacement?. Health Care Manag Sci |
Moser, Dominik; von Ahlen, Christine & Geissler, Alexander (2021) Qualitätsvariation in der Schweiz: Analyse der Mamma-Resektionen bei Brustkrebs anhand des Qualitätsindikators der Brusterhaltung. Das Gesundheitswesen |
von Ahlen, Christine; Moser, Dominik & Geissler, Alexander (2021) Qualitätstransparenz in der stationären Krankenhausversorgung der Schweiz. Gesundheitsökonomie und Qualitätsmanagement |
Working papers |
2024 |
Cordier, Johannes; Geissler, Alexander &Vogel, Justus (2024) Entity embedding of high-dimensional claims data for hospitalized exacerbation prediction. Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. |
Vogel, Justus; Haering, Alexander; Kuklinski, David & Geissler, Alexander (2024) Is There a Relationship between Hospital Process Digitalization and Quality of Care? – Observational Study Using Data from Hospital Quality Report Cards and the DigitalRadar Project. Ruhr Economic Papers |
2023 |
Vogel, Justus; Hollenbach, Johannes; Haering, Alexander; Augurzky, Boris & Geissler, Alexander (2023) Are Profitable Hospitals More Digitally Mature? – An Explorative Study Using Data from the German DigitalRadar Project. Ruhr Economic Papers. |
Cordier, Johannes; Salvi, Irene; Steinbeck, Viktoria; Geissler, Alexander & Vogel, Justus (2023) Is rapid recovery always the best recovery? - Developing a machine learning approach for optimal assignment rules under capacity constraints for knee replacement patients. Health, Econometrics and Data Group (HEDG) Working Papers. |
Book chapters |
2024 |
Subelack, Jonas; Kuklinski, David; Vogel, Justus & Geissler, Alexander (2024). Spitalplanung in der Schweiz: Impulse für die deutsche Krankenhausreform. In Klauber, Jürgen; Wasem, Jörg; Beivers, Andreas; Mostert, Carina & Scheller-Kreinsen, David. (eds) Krankenhaus-Report 2024. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. S. 45-63 |
Geissler, Alexander, Krause, Franz & Leber, Wulf-Dietrich. (2024). Neugestaltung der deutschen Krankenhauslandschaft. In: Klauber, Jürgen; Wasem, Jörg; Beivers, Andreas; Mostert, Carina & Scheller-Kreinsen, David (eds) Krankenhaus-Report 2024. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. S. 81-105 |
2022 |
Geissler, Alexander; Wiesmann, Anne & Thun, Sylvia (2022) Messung des digitalen Reifegrades von deutschen Krankenhäusern - Status quo und Perspektiven. In Marx, Gernot & Meister, Sven (ed.): Die digitale Intensivstation - Handlungsfelder, Erfordernisse, Umsetzung. Berlin : Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft S. 156-161. |
Busse, Reinhard & Geissler, Alexander (2022) Ziele des Gesundheitssystems, Strategien der Gesundheitspolitik und Herausforderungen für Krankenhäuser: eine kurze Einführung. In Debatin, Jörg F.; Ekkernkamp, Axel; Schulte, Barbara & Tecklenburg, Andreas (Hrsg.): Krankenhausmanagement. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 3-8. |
2020 |
Oschmann, Laura; Nimptsch, Ulrike; Möckel, Martin; Römer, Claudia & Geissler, Alexander (2020) Notfallstufen: qualitative Unterschiede in der Notfallversorgung. In Dormann, Franz; Klauber, Jürgen & Kuhlen, Ralf (Hrsg.): Qualitätsmonitor 2020. Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, S. 33-61. |
Stephani, Victor; Geissler, Alexander & Quentin, Wilm (2020) Vergütung von spezialisierten, seltenen und kostenvariablen Fällen außerhalb des DRG-Systems: Erfahrungen aus Deutschland, Dänemark, England, Estland, Frankreich und den USA. In Klauber, Jürgen; Geraedts, Max; Friedrich, Jörg; Wasem, Jürgen & Beivers, Andreas (Hrsg.): Krankenhaus-Report. Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2020, S. 53-67. |
Vogel, Justus; Letzgus, Philipp & Geissler, Alexander (2020) Paradigmenwechsel in der Krankenhausplanung – hin zu Leistungs-, Bedarfs- und Qualitätsorientierung für einen höheren Patientennutzen. In Klauber, Jürgen; Geraedts, Max; Friedrich, Jörg; Wasem, Jürgen & Beivers, Andreas (Hrsg.): Krankenhaus-Report. Springer-Verlag GmbH, S. 327-358. |
2019 |
Vogel, Justus; Polin, Katherine; Pross, Christoph & Geissler, Alexander (2019) Implikationen von Mindestmengen und Zertifizierungsvorgaben: Auswirkungen verschiedener Vorgaben auf den deutschen Krankenhaussektor. In Dormann, F., Klauber, J., Kuhlen, R., Amon, M. (Hrsg.): Qualitätsmonitor. Berlin: MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Vertragsgesellschaft, S. 63-88 |
2016 |
Van den Heede, Koen; Dubois, Cécile; Devriese, Stephan; Baier, Natalie; Camaly, Olivier; Depuijdt, Eveline; Geissler, Alexander; Ghesquiere, Annelies; Misplon, Sarah; Quentin, Wilm; Van Loon, Christophe & Van de Voorde, Carine (2016) Organisation and payment of emergency care services in Belgium: current situation and options for reform. KCE Report 263. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE). |
2014 |
Van de Voorde, Carine; Van den Heede, Koen; Obyn, Caroline; Quentin, Wilm; Geissler, Alexander; Wittenbecher, Friedrich; Busse, Reinhard; Magnussen, Jon; Camaly, Olivier; Devriese, Stephan; Gerkens, Sophie; Misplon, Sarah; Neyt, Mattias & Mertens, Raf (2014) Conceptual framework for the reform of the Belgian hospital payment system. KCE Report 229. Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE) |
Articles in professional journals |
2020 |
Geissler, Alexander (2020) Spitalplanung für mehr Patientennutzen. In: im dialog - Magazin über Gesundheitspolitik der CSS Gruppe, 3, S. 19. |
Berger, Elke; Busse, Reinhard; Geissler, Alexander; Spies, Claudia & Weiss, Björn (2020) Übertragbarkeit neuer Versorgungsformen in die Regelversorgung. In: Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik 74, 1, S. 64-70. |
2018 |
Berger, Elke; Busse, Reinhard; Finger, Benjamin; Focke, Klaus & Geissler, Alexander (2018) Krankenhaus: Impulse aus Dänemark für Deutschland. In: Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik 72, 3, S. 19-24. |
Please find below a list of the working papers and scientific reports published in the Working Paper Series in Health Economics, Management and Policy.
On this page, we publish posters and presentations accepted and presented at different conferences:
Year | Title | Presenter | Authors | Download |
2024 | Will We Have Access to Healthcare? Rising Burden of Chronic Disease Hospitalizations: Evidence From Routine Hospital Data ISPOR 2024 | Daria Bukanova-Berend | Daria Bukanova-Berend | Poster |
2024 | Ability of artificial intelligence to reduce the number of interval breast cancer cases: Swiss Society of Senology | Jonas Subelack | Jonas Subelack | Poster |
2024 | Utilization of an AI diagnostic software in a mammography screening program shows potential for higher screening efficiency and effectiveness Swiss Society of Senology | Marcel Blum | Marcel Blum | Poster |
2024 | What kind of self-management works and what patients need to better self-manage in the case of COPD -Evidence from Swiss survey data EuHEA Conference | Daria Bukanova | Daria Bukanova | Presentation |
2024 | Entity embedding of high-dimensional claims data for hospitalized exacerbation prediction EuHEA Conference | Johannes Cordier | Johannes Cordier | Presentation |
2024 | The potential of a PROM based DHI in knee and hip replacement to unburden thehealthcare system post-surgery Secondary analyses of the PROMoting Quality RCT EuHEA Conference | David Kuklinski | David Kuklinski | Presentation |
2024 | Designing a clinical decision support algorithm for optimal ICU discharge decisions – A causal machine learning approach EuHEA Conference | Justus Vogel | Justus Vogel | Presentation |
2024 | Rapid recovery after joint replacement: a cost-effective post-recovery path from the German payer’s perspective EuHEA Conference | Irene Salvi | Irene Salvi | Presentation |
2024 | Assessing the relationship between hospital process 16th dggö Annual Conference | Justus Vogel | Justus Vogel | Presentation |
2024 | Spitalplanung in der Schweiz: Impulse für die deutsche Krankenhausreform 16th dggö Annual Conference | Jonas Subelack | Jonas Subelack | Presentation |
2024 | The potential of a PROM based DHI in knee and hip replacement to unburden thehealthcare system post-surgery- Secondary analyses of the PROMoting Quality RCT 16th dggö Annual Conference | David Kuklinski | David Kuklinski Lukas Schöner Alexander Geissler Justus Vogel | Presentation |
2024 | What happens after exceeding the deductible? Investigating demand-side financial incentives using claims data from Switzerland 16. dggö Jahrestagung | Irene Salvi | Irene Salvi | Presentation |
2024 | Finding critical PROM-values for physician visits post knee 16. dggö Jahrestagung | Johannes Cordier | Johannes Cordier | Presentation |
2024 | Comparative Study of Healthcare Quality Reporting Websites: A Content Analysis Across Nine Western Countries 16. dggö Jahrestagung | Maxime Sapin | Maxime Sapin David Kuklinski Alexander Geissler Justus Vogel | Presentation |
2024 | Retrospective evaluation of interval breast cancer with AI diagnostic software European Congress of Radiology | Jonas Subelack | Jonas Subelack | Presentation |
2023 | The association of hospital profitability and digital maturity An explorative study using data from the German DigitalRadar project 15th dggö Annual Conference | Justus Vogel | Justus Vogel | Presentation |
2023 | What matters when interpreting patient-reported outcomes? - Adjusted minimal clinically important differences for hip and knee replacement patients 15th dggö Annual Conference | Irene Salvi | Irene Salvi David Kuklinski Justus Vogel Anja Bischof Alexander Geissler | Presentation |
2023 | Don’t cheat on your prescription! – A retrospective study on COPD patients’ medication adherence based on Swiss sickness fund data 15th dggö Annual Conference | Anja Bischof | Anja Bischof Johannes Cordier Justus Vogel Alexander Geissler | Presentation |
2023 | Cost-utility and cost-effectiveness of Rapid Recovery after knee replacement: The payer’s perspective ISPOR Europe | Irene Salvi | Irene Salvi | Poster |
2023 | What happens after exceeding the deductible? Demand-side financial incentives for the overuse of healthcare services EuHEA Conference | Irene Salvi | Irene Salvi Johannes Cordier Justus Vogel Alexander Geissler | Poster |
2023 | Mammography Screening Program "Donna" significantly reduces overall mortality of women with breast cancer Swiss Society of Senology | Rudolf Morant | Marcel Blum Jonas Subelack David Kuklinski Alexander Geissler Alena Eichenberger Rudolf Morant | Poster |
2023 | Interval Carcinomas in the mammography screening program "Donna" (St.Gallen & Graubünden): A retrospective evaluation for quality control and improvement Swiss Society of Senology | Rudolf Morant | Jonas Subelack Alexander Geissler Marcel Blum Rudolf Morant Alena Eichenberger David Kuklinski | Poster |
2022 | Adipositachirurgie in einer zentrumorientierten Krankenhausplanung 11. Adipositassymposium | Justus Vogel | Justus Vogel Alexander Geissler | Presentation |
2022 | What is the association between gender and health-related quality of life in patients who underwent total hip or knee arthroplasty? EuHEA PhD Conference | Anja Bischof | Anja Bischof | Poster |
2022 | Identifying Barriers to Access to Treatment with Hydroxyurea for Patients with Sickle Cell Disease – A Qualitative Analysis of the Supply Chain in Ghana Global Congress on Sickle Cell Disease | Simone Graven | Simone Graven | Poster |
2021 | What makes the difference on the decision for the delivery mode? iHEA | Anja Bischof | Anja Bischof Alexander Geissler | Poster |