Jahr | Auszeichnung |
2024 | The LvL UP team in Singapore, led by Prof. Dr. Kowatsch, received the ISRII Poster Award for the innovative trial design of the digital preventive care intervention LvL UP at the 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII)
2023 | Together with Marc-Robin Gruner and Anja Bischof, Prof. Dr. Kowatsch received the Fitrockr & Garmin Health EMEA Research Grant Award 2023 for the project Vogue, which investigates whether a woman's menstrual cycle her receptivity to just-in-time adaptive interventions. |
2023 | Prof. Dr. Kowatsch was honored with the Gold Award for the short film HEALTHIFICATION at the World Media Festivals in Hamburg, Germany. HEALTHIFICATION playfully explains how digital health interventions, through storytelling, can help lower socioeconomic inequalities in health. The film was collaboratively produced with the Swiss agency Zense. |
2023 | The digital preventive care intervention LvL UP; led by Prof. Dr. Kowatsch, was honored with the Silver Award at the 2023 World Media Festivals in Hamburg, Germany. LvL UP uses innovative storytelling to prevent type-2 diabetes and depression in Singaporeans by leveraging smartphone-base conversational agents and TV show episodes were collaborateively produced with the Singapoean agency Lionfish Studios. |
2022 | The project «LvLUP - Digital Health Intervention for the Prevention of NCDs and CMDs» (Lead PI ETH Zurich: Dr. Kowatsch) has been awarded the Venture Exploration Workshop (Phase 1, 16 weeks) of the Innovation 2.0 Grant Call by the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) |
2022 | Together with his co-authors, Dr. Tobias Kowatsch received an ACM IMWUT Distinguished Paper Award for the article «Detecting Receptivity for mHealth Interventions in the Natural Environment» |
2022 | The Digital Health Project course of Dr. Kowatsch was nominated for the KITE Award 2022, which is dedicated to teaching projects developed at ETH Zurich during its semesters of remote teaching (due to COVID-19), and which also aims at recognizing the exceptional commitment of lecturers during these challenging times and honors outstanding examples. |
2019 | Dr. Kowatsch received an NVIDIA GPU Grant (Titan V) for the development of an in-vehicle early warning system for individuals with type-1 diabetes with the help of machine learning algorithms and car driving data. |
2019 | Under the scientific lead of Dr. Kowatsch, the digital health intervention entitled «MAX – Dein Asthmacoach» received the Intermedia-globe Grand Award in the category Web at the World Media Festivals in Hamburg, Germany. |
2019 | Under the scientific lead of Dr. Kowatsch, the digital health intervention entitled «MAX – Dein Asthmacoach» received the Intermedia-globe Gold Award in the category Mobile Apps & Interactive Tools at the World Media Festivals in Hamburg, Germany. |
2018 | HSG Impact Award 2018 at the dies academicus of the University of St.Gallen for the Open Source Behavioral Intervention Platform MobileCoach |
2018 | Intermedia-globe Gold Award of the WorldMediaFestival in Hamburg, Germany for the Health Literacy Video Clips for Children with Asthma |
2017 | Outstanding Reviewer Award for his review service in the IT and Healthcare track at the Interventional Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2017 in Seoul, South Korea. |
2017 | Best Paper Award for T. Kowatsch, F. Wahle & A. Filler, Design and Lab Experiment of a Stress Detection Service based on Mouse Movements, The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Genoa, Italy. |
2017 | Best research-in-progress nominee for T. Kowatsch, F. Wahle & A. Filler, stressOUT: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Mouse-based Stress Management Service at DESRIST 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
2016 | Amicitia Award for the best doctoral thesis in economic science from the University of St. Gallen |
2015 | IEEE WTS Outstanding Paper Award: Filler A. Kowatsch T. Haug S. Wahle F. Staake T. Fleisch E. (2015) MobileCoach: A Novel Open Source Platform for the Design of Evidence-based, Scalable and Low-Cost Behavioral Health Interventions - Overview and Preliminary Evaluation in the Public Health Context. Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2015 (WTS 2015), New York, USA. PDF-Link |
2013 | Best Exam Award by Deutsche Bundesbank for the best exam in Business Information Systems at Saarland University, Germany |
2011 | Best Paper Nominee and Claudio Ciborra Award Nominee at the European Conference on Information Systems for the paper: W. Maass, T. Kowatsch, S. Janzen & U. Varshney, A Natural Language Technology-enhanced Mobile Sales Assistant for In-store Shopping Situations, ECIS 2011 Proceedings. Paper 142. |
2009 | Best Paper Award at the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems for the paper: Maass, Wolfgang and Kowatsch, Tobias, «Let’s Get Married: Adoption Of Interactive Product Information For Bundle Purchases By Tangible User Interfaces» (2009). MCIS 2009 Proceedings. Paper 20. |
2007 | Master’s degree with distinction from Hochschule Furtwangen University |