
Extracurricular Program


In order to meet the holistic educational mission of our university, the pilot program is offered to our students as an extracurricular program. The various components of the pilot program offer students support during their studies, but also in career and life planning, thereby adding value to their studies.


Every Saturday before the start of their studies, we invite the first semester Bachelor students of the University of Zurich in the "St.Gallen Track" to an HSG Kick-off Day in St.Gallen.

During the event, we will inform about the special features of the "St.Gallen Track" as well as the HSG's offer, which is already available during the Bachelor's program. In addition, students of the Joint Medical Masters in St.Gallen will report first-hand about their experiences and answer questions. The exchange and getting to know fellow students will not be neglected.


The mentoring program for students of the Joint Medical Masters in St.Gallen is part of the HSG mentoring program. Within the framework of this program, a physician from Eastern Switzerland supports a student in his or her personal development and in building up professional skills. Mentoring is a factual but also personal relationship between two people who are in regular contact for two years at a time. The mentoring program is available to future Joint Medical Master students already from the Bachelor's degree at UZH in the "St.Gallen Track".

In principle, the mentoring program is handled by the HSG. The School of Medicine is responsible for the selection of suitable mentors. Among other things, care is taken to ensure a balanced selection of different disciplines and places of work. The School of Medicine also accompanies the allocation between mentors and mentees. It checks whether the matching software fulfills the criteria of both parties and intervenes manually where necessary so that the best possible allocation can be guaranteed.

For more information on the process, roles and responsibilities, and to register, visit the HSG Mentoring Program homepage.

EPO – Erkunden.Potenzial.Optionen

EPO enables students to help shape their own future. It opens up new perspectives, orientation for important decisions and thus the compass for one's own path.

What makes me special? What do I answer in a job interview to the question "Why should we choose you?" USP - short for Unique Selling Proposition - means something like unique selling proposition and, in marketing, answers the question of why people should choose Brand X over the competition. In order for students to become aware of their differentiation, they develop their distinctive brand in the first part of EPO.

In order to sharpen their perception of themselves and not succumb to unconscious self-deception, the second part of EPO offers students the opportunity to take an honest and focused look at themselves. For this purpose, a scientifically based psychological potential analysis is conducted. In the third part, the results are evaluated and discussed with professional coaches in a feedback workshop.

Further information can be found in the Flyer.


Further Offers

Basic course abdomen

The section of the Young Sonographers St.Gallen ​​​​​​​Young Sonographers St.Gallen offers a basic course abdomen under supervision of experienced SGUM members to all students from the third year of bachelor who are interested in ultrasound medicine, even before obtaining a dignity. They pursue the goal of integrating sonography into the daily study routine in such a way that every student who is interested has the opportunity to learn the basics of sonography under the guidance of junior tutors.

Various videos have been made about the extracurricular program. Visit our YouTube channel.
