
- 16.12.2024 - 14:44 

New publication: Meaningful thresholds for patient reported outcomes

At the Chair of Health Economics, Policy, and Management we are thrilled to share that our latest article has been published in the Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes!

In this study, we explored how thresholds for meaningful improvement in patient-reported outcomes after hip and knee replacements vary based on patients’ pre-operative health status and characteristics. By leveraging extensive data from the NHS PROMs dataset and applying a state-of-the-art methodology for the estimation of minimal important changes (MICs), we demonstrated the importance of tailoring these thresholds to individual patient characteristics, emphasizing how stratified insights can drive more accurate evaluations of treatment success.

This work is a step forward in enhancing patient-centered care and optimizing healthcare value. A big thank you to all the co-authors for their valuable contributions to this research!

If you're interested in learning more, the full article is open access and available here: Read the article.
