Project description
Health systems around the world are facing increasing challenges associated with changing clinical patterns of communicable and non-communicable diseases, demographic aging and increasing technological progress, as well as growing resource constraints.
The Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS) is a collaborative project of ten Swiss universities and universities of applied sciences to establish a long-term national platform for health systems and health care research, policy and practice. The vision of the SLHS is a health system that responds flexibly to current and future health needs and that continuously evolves and improves. The SLHS relies on a national and international network of experts to identify and prioritize current problems in the Swiss healthcare system and to identify evidence-based options for action in exchange with policy makers and practitioners. In order to sustainably establish the Swiss Learning Health System in the Swiss healthcare system, it strives to achieve the following three specific project goals:
- Strengthening and expanding the topics currently prioritized in the SLHS through intensified stakeholder involvement in the governance structure of the SLHS and calls for joint proposals for policy briefs and stakeholder dialogues, involving universities and other (public) organizations, different disciplines and professions;
- Promote inter- and transdisciplinary training of early career researchers in health systems and health services research;
- Long-term establishment of an inter-university SLHS competence center as a link between Swiss universities and stakeholders in the health system.
Project team
Prof. Dr. Alexander Geissler, Irene Salvi, Johannes Cordier
Cooperation partners
- Universität Luzern (UniLu): Departement Gesundheitswissenschaften und Medizin; Zentrum für Religionsverfassungsrecht, Zentrum für Recht und Gesundheit
- Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Swiss TPH – Associated Institute of the University of Basel)
- Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI): Dipartimento economia aziendale, sanità e sociale
- Université de Neuchâtel (UniNe): Institut du management de l’information (IMI)
- Università della Svizzera italiana (USI): Centre for Organisational Research – Health and Public Management
- Universität Zürich (UZH): Institut für Hausarztmedizin; Institut für Epidemiologie, Biostatistik und Prävention (EBPI)
- Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW): Institut für Physiotherapie
- Winterthurer Institut für Gesundheitsökonomie
- Université de Lausanne (UNIL): Centre universitaire de médecine générale et santé publique (Unisanté)
- Berner Fachhochschule (BFH): Departement Gesundheit
Funding sources
Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI)
2021 - 2025