The Swiss Federal Quality Commission (FQC) commissioned the project to develop a knowledge base and conduct stakeholder dialogues for quality monitoring systems and dashboards in Switzerland. The goal is to provide reliable and comparable information on the quality of healthcare services in Switzerland. This information is essential for provider benchmarking and identifying potential improvements for providers. It is also in the public’s interest to have access to information that reflects the quality of providers in the Swiss healthcare system. The project addresses this objective by two tasks:
The project is being carried out by the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS), a national initiative in health systems and health services research that aims to promote dialogue between various actors to develop and continuously integrate evidence-informed solutions to current and future challenges in the Swiss health system. Leading houses are the Chair of Healthcare Management at the School of Medicine at the University of St. Gallen and the Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne. Other collaborating partners are the Institute of Primary Care - University of Zurich, the Department of Business Economics, Health, and Social Care - Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) and the Département Épidémiologie et systèmes de santé - Unisanté Lausanne.
The complete report of the project was officially released in January 2024 and is available on the website of the Swiss Federal Quality Commission (FQC) (Eidgenössische Qualitätskommission (EQK) (
For direct access to the full report, please follow the link provided here: Quality Monitoring and Public Reporting: Recommendations for the Swiss Healthcare System
Prof. Dr. Alexander Geissler, Dr. Justus Vogel, Maxime Sapin, Dr. David Kuklinski, Carla Walker
The Swiss Federal Quality Commission (FQC)
December 2022 – August 2023